God is calling us to co-labor together to see His Kingdom established on earth. CI Apostolic Network offers more than credentials and affiliation. It offers activation, training, accountability and relationship with like minded ministers who are moving in the apostolic and prophetic. Members are equipped to fulfill their God-given destiny and make ready a people to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. CIAN will empower you to be a reproducer of reproducers!

The Man Before the Ministry

Christian International and Bishop Hamon strongly believe that you must develop the man before the ministry. When you join Christian International, you can do so with the confidence that you are joining a network that places a strong emphasis on maturity.

501(c)3 Status

If you’ve ever tried to do it from scratch, you know that filing for non-profit status can be time consuming, costly, and overall a frustrating experience. Christian International helps you take the headache out of this process.


Ministry can often make you feel isolated and alone. When you are part of the Apostolic Network, you are assigned to regional leaders for covering but also for relationship. You join with like-minded people who can provide supportive relationship in your region.

Free Conferences

We want to give you every opportunity to be able to connect with us and one of the ways that we do that is through providing free admission to select conferences and discounted admission to other events.

Member Only Resources

Exclusive access to 7 Mountain Resources

Discounts on Products

As a member of the Apostolic Network, you get access to exclusive discounts on Christian International products. We want you to have the resources to not only equip yourself but your church congregation as well.