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Prophetic Evangelism Training | Christian International


Register below or call 800-388-5308


February 15-17, 2017


CI Headquarters, 5200 E HWY 98,
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459


Evangelists/Pastors Ned & Laci Maraman


2:30 pm – 3:00 pm – Registration Open
3:05 pm – 5:45 pm – 1st & 2nd Session
6:00 pm -**7:00 pm – Prophetic Ministry for All Attendees

9:00 am – 1:05 pm – 3rd, 4th & 5th Session
1:05 pm – 3:05 pm – Lunch Break
3:05 pm – 5:45 pm – 6th & 7th Session

9:00 am – 1:05 pm – 8th, 9th & Final Session

Prophetic Evangelism Training

What to Expect

  • A love that displaces fear, and makes way for a higher level of faith.
  • Connect to God’s pleasure in evangelism.
  • Confidence in the Holy Spirit’s ability and desire to use you to
    connect people to Him.

Register Now

Prophetic Kingdom Evangelism is a fresh look at evangelism from an advancing Kingdom perspective. Any believer, no matter their level of experience in evangelism will benefit from this experience. In this training you will be given the tools and impartation necessary to become a viral Christian ready to temper your city for a move of God.

You will learn how to effectively communicate and demonstrate the gospel of the Kingdom, and how to activate others in evangelism. You will experience a new level of personal freedom and anointing as we connect to the heart of the Father for the lost and bound.

This training experience will usher you into a new dimension of God’s love and power to shine His light and plunder the kingdom of darkness in your territory.