“I am challenging my people to change.” 

We’re in a new day of God challenging us to change. We hear the word challenge and might immediately think that is a negative thing. Here is the definition of challenge:

  1. a call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc.
  2. something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, special effort, etc.
  3. a call to fight, as a battle, a duel, etc.
  4. a demand to explain, justify, etc.:
  5. difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to one engaged in it.

The word that stands out to me in the definition is the word engage. The challenge that God is releasing in this season is a calling to engage. It is a calling to move off the sidelines and get involved in the battle. When we are on the battlefield, we can make a difference in the outcome.

Change: verb (used with object), changed, changing.

  1. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one’s name; to change one’s opinion;
  2. to transform or convert (usually followed by into):
  3. to substitute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually of the same kind:
  4. to give and take reciprocally; interchange:
  5. to transfer from one (conveyance) to another:

Change is simply something becoming different than it was.

“The Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person” (1 Samuel 10:6 NIV).

Saul transformed into another man when he came into the company of prophets.  He now was doing what he could not do before. God wants to bring us into a place of doing and being what we could not do before.

I saw the Lord standing like a ticket attendant at a sports game. We handed the Lord our ticket and expected to get a seat near the front.  The Lord then directed us to go up the bleachers, not down towards the field, like we used to. We went away from the field up the bleachers. We were lead to the VIP executive box overlooking the entire field.

We had an expectation of where we were going to sit. He challenged us to change our normal routine of where we used to sit.  He took us to a much better seat and positioning.  He is challenging things inside of us that are limiting us. Don’t be afraid of what God begins to change in your life this next season.

The new opportunities that come to you may be challenging or may force you to engage with greater focus. God is challenging us so he can reveal hidden potential that he has placed inside of us. He is developing and unlocking inside of us kingdom resources for advancement.

The enemy has tried to cover up our potential and destiny, but God is about to dig it out. Embrace the challenges that you are presented with in this season. Hidden in them are the keys to breakthrough and advancement. God is breaking you out of your limitations.

We see in Genesis 39-42 Joseph went through a challenge. Things seemed to be heading the opposite direction of what Joseph’s dream was.  God was escorting him to his destiny.  He was able to save an entire nation from a famine and be positioned in a new place of authority.

Don’t reject or resist the challenge. Trust what the Potter is doing in and through your life in this season. He is making something beautiful.

God is Challenging the following areas in 2017:

Nations:  Many nations will have the chance to restructure for righteousness.

Corporate Church: The Church will have the chance to move to new levels of authority and influence in the earth.

Cities and Regions: These will have a chance to see a new atmosphere released in their territories.

Marketplace:  There will be a challenge to have integrity. Those who choose integrity will see new levels of prosperity in business.

Wherever you see things being challenged in this season is an opportunity. God desires to raise you up to become the answers and solutions, like Joseph was to a people and nation.

The Lord says “I am a challenging my people to change. I am giving them opportunities to transition into a higher level. I am calling them into more authority, resources and demonstrations of power. I am calling them out of hiding and into shining. You were made for the challenge. You were made to bring Heavenly answers and solutions into the earth. I am challenging you to run to challenges and let my kingdom flow through you.”

About Jermaine

Jermaine and his wife Rebecca are members of Vision Church @ CI and serve on the church prophetic teams. They are international speakers and prophetic ministers. Jermaine is the author of Break up with Defeat, and is the social media coordinator at Christian International.